Hechicero The Legend Begins By Frank Solis Copyright 2021 PREVIEW: CHAPTER ONE OUT OF TWELVE Chapter One The wind howled viciously over the small town of Presidio, Texas, as clouds of dust went flying by threatening to punish the face of anyone who dared venture outdoors. Two young men were about to face off over the love of a young woman. Raven and Angel, two more different personalities could not be found anywhere. Raven had dark brooding eyes which seemed to look right through you; he also had a penchant for mischief and was prone to violence. It was rumored that his t ía Dona Márquez was a bruja, a witch who practiced black magic. It was also rumored that she was the reason for the drought in the area in which so many cattle and sheep had perished. On the other hand, Angel was a young man who many of the townspeople liked, as he was kind to everyone, and always took care of his grandmother Doña María. It was three in the afternoon, and the sun...